Friday, February 29, 2008

Getting into a routine - Have we ever done that?

Getting into a routine here with food, nutritionals and medications has been a challenge since all that was laid out for us at Sanoviv. Our household has not traditionally been one that runs on a tight schedule and our refrigerator usually has way too many nonessential foods in it. Melissa would say that our lifestyle is "interesting". We have had a struggle since getting back even though Jane is much better. All Jane's systems (the ones that we take for granted each day), are so fragile that the slightest thing can upset them. Her appetite comes and goes, so when it goes, she can't take all the pills she needs, then because she hasn't eaten or taken all the pills, she hurts more and when she hurts more, she doesn't feel like eating - do you see a cycle?
Please pray that we can continue to build her up so that she can withstand the treatment that will be coming when we get all that set up.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Things are coming together quickly. This week, Kaiser gave us the paperwork for the appointment at Emory. We got the appt. with Dr. Horowitz for next Monday at 10. Dr. Perez called to recommend that we increase Jane's Vit. D intake. During that call he indicated that Dr. McKee had finished his testing of the biopsy and had a recommendation. Dr. McKee sent that info to Dr. Perez who sent it on to us yesterday. Praise God because Dr. McKee found a chemo agent that worked on the biopsy. And he recommends copper chelation therapy.

Jane's treatment recommendations from Dr. Perez and Dr. McKee includes (1) nutritionals that build the immune system, (2) oral medicines that fight cancer and lymphedema, (3) injections that fight cancer, (4) chemo and related therapies, (5) copper chelation therapy, (6) transfer factor therapy and (7) TLC therapy by all of us.

Please pray that we can communicate what Jane needs successfully to Dr. Horowitz on Monday so that Jane will receive what she needs and that Jane will gain the needed strength to go through this tough treatment

More later,

Dave and Jane

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Healing by works of men inspired by God is still a miracle to me!

Thanks so much to all of you who have been keeping up with us and especially to all of you who are praying, supporting, spreading the word and otherwise helping us in this test in our lives. Jane and I feel very lucky to be on your team. We know that you make a sacrifice within your life with each thought, prayer or deed that is done for us.
I apologize for not posting this sooner, but have been working to get things set up here to follow the directions given by Dr. Perez for our course of treatment. Things look good for that, but there are a few hurdles to get over first. More soon.
Thank you all for the contributions you have made to our lives. God has used you to provide many things we have needed especially in these past few weeks. He could just reach down and heal Jane with a miracle but instead He has chosen as He most often does, to provide for our needs by using His people. What a great plan, allowing many people to be blessed by being a part of a healing process. Healing through the works of men inspired by God is still a miracle to us. We praise God for you each day.

Dave and Jane

Mom's Feeling Fine and Meets with Emory Monday

Mom had a rough first couple of days when she returned home due to an infection and antibiotics that made her sick. But, she has a new prescription and is feeling much better. She's still sleeping and eating better, and when she walks she only has to stop because of fatigue as if the oxygen leaves her legs and she gets rubbery legs as opposed to the pain that was ever present in the past.

Continue to encourage her and dad to stick to the very healthy new lifestyle they have embraced. It's actually inspired us to eat better! We've learned a lot about nutrition and related things that help your body from them after their trip. Pretty amazing stuff, actually, that most of us never have thought about. It obviously works, so ask them about it when you get a chance, dad can tell you some pretty cool things he learned about diet, nutrition, etc.

Emory appointment is Monday.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hey, It's Good to be Back Home Again...

Mom and dad are back home. After a long day on Tuesday, they are back home resting. Thanks for all that have and are praying. Please pray that mom would get some good rest and rebound from the long trip.

On Tuesday morning, they woke up on the Pacific coast in Mexico and went to bed in Woodstock late that night. I'm sure its taken a lot out of mom, so please pray for strength for her and for dad who has expended a lot of energy taking care of her.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Mom and dad had a relaxing day today, but mom wasn't feeling too well when she went down to the dining room. She didn't particularly like the smell of the greens but she still ate some salmon and steamed veggies. She ate a little for breakfast too. She wasn't feeling nauseated just tired. She didn't sleep well so they gave her something to help her sleep and it just made her tired all day.

They are very excited to come home on Tuesday!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nausea or Not, Mom Sounds Great

I talked with mom tonight and despite the nausea, she sounds great. We talked about the way her voice sounded and how I thought she sounded 20 years younger than before she went to Sanoviv. Her voice had gotten to where she sounded much older than she is. She told me that she had had to work so hard to push her voice out that she was certain of it. But today she sounded great and while I was trying to talk to her about treatments she kept telling me funny stories of things going on with Kent, Caleb, Melissa, dad, etc. I can assure you that she feels much better than when she left. It didn't sound to me like she was nauseated. Her spirits are very high.

Thank you, Lord. That, my friends, is answered prayer.

Relaxing on Sunday

Mom's first four appointments tomorrow are breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Just a relaxing day.


Oh, and another couple wants to get together and have a church service with mom and dad. That will be fun.

Dad said that he might swim and walk. Dr. Wentz wants everybody to walk in the grass barefoot too, before they go home. If mom feels like it, they will do that and get a picture tomorrow.


Mom and dad saw the dolphins running in the ocean today. Dad said that there were a couple of groups playing with each other and putting on a little watershow.

Nausea Today

Mom started feeling nauseated this morning after her manicure. She was riding in the wheelchair down the hall and she started feeling lightheaded and nauseated. She hasn't felt well all day and didn't eat much because of it.

Please pray that the nausea will disappear.

Hyperthermia for an Hour Again!

Mom made it another hour in the hyperthermia chamber again! Temperature only got up to about 101 or so, though. Dad and I are wondering why if she made it that long that they are not getting the temperature all the way up to the optimal 104. He's going to ask Dr. Perez tomorrow.

Dad said that the chamber looks like a pizza delivery boy warming bag that your head sticks out of.

Coffee "Treatment"

Yesterday mom had a cutting edge coffee "treatment" that you don't want to know about. Let's leave it at that, mom said.

Hey, cutting edge I guess.

Manicure, Colonics, RIFE and Ondamed and I.V. Intensive

Busy day! Mom had all of the treatment above. For dad and me, we have figured it out: Anybody that has to have colonics MUST be bribed with something like a manicure later.

Good for mom.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Passport is IN!

Dad and mom received the passport in Mexico. Just in time. Thanks to all that prayed.

4.5 Billion Bacteria

Mom takes a pill packet everyday containing 4.5 billion (with a b) healthful bacteria. According to Dr. Perez, you should just about always take something like this whenever you are on prescription drugs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Susan, Chris, Kent and Melissa (and the SS Class)

Susan, Chris, Kent and Melissa have really helped out in different ways at the house.

Kent gave up a day to come and help take out trash, move a TV and simply provide some "sweat equity" at the direction of Susan and Melissa who were cleaning out the kitchen and dining room. Good job, Kent!

Melissa has provided a lot of help with cleaning and also reconstructing pictures/photos of the family into collages and such.

Caleb and Joshua played with a lot of trains.

But.... Susan and Chris have done a PHENOMENAL job of cleaning, reconstructing, organizing and providing a cleaner, brighter atmosphere at the house for mom and dad when they return. Susan has worked tirelessly. Chris has been working on and providing leadership for other projects including a NEW BED for mom and dad that will allow them to raise the top and bottom as needed so that mom can sleep in a comfortable position.

Susan and Chris in particular have sacrificed significantly to help. Many from their church have done the same. Thanks to all that are giving and have helped in one way or another. I just heard that dad's Sunday School class at FBCW have raised some money to help them pay some bills. Praise God for this!

Thanks guys for the great work!

"Call Hospice"

Mom told me a story tonight that they had not shared with me yet.

When they were meeting with their doctors in Atlanta and the doctors shared with them that there were no other options available, mom and dad asked them what they should do. The response was "Call hospice. We'll get you the number."

I told mom that when she gets back she should march straight down there and meet with them to say, "This is the beginning, NOT the end. Do some research and send your patients to Sanoviv."

Sanoviv told her to come back in six months for another evaluation. The other doctors wouldn't even have given her six months to live.

The Lord has answered so many of our prayers in helping mom through Sanoviv. Give Him the glory for touching her.

$10,000 in Additional Expenses

Today, we spent close to $10,000 on additional treatment including:

1. Biopsy (kit, transport, research, lab, etc.)
2. Surgeon's work
3. Transfer factor order for mom's ongoing treatment when she gets back

Please pray that God would provide for this. It is a tough situation, financially.

Mom is worried about that and asked dad, if she "was worth it." She's a little stressed about this.

Closing on the 20th for mom and dad's refinance for their house to help pay for some of the bills. Please pray that this will go forward unhindered.

Dr. Jonas' Class and the Prayer Study

Dr. Jonas did a class tonight in the theatre and talked about a study of 400 patients in a hospital where 200 were prayed for in an off campus experiment (double blind study) and it showed that those that were prayed for responded MUCH better to treatment than the other group.

Dad and mom said that many people around the room began to give testimonies and that it was very encouraging and a good witness. He said that there were two muslims in the room.

The Before and After Pictures

Mom had a picture taken when she got to Sanoviv and then one today and there were MAJOR differences that even they could notice in what she looked like and how she looked much more healthy.

Praise the Lord...

Home on Tuesday

After Dr. Perez met with mom and dad, they determined that it is okay for her to come home Tuesday!

They want her to come back in six months, which is great, because she would have had less than six months to live by traditional methods.

Melissa, Caleb and Joshua will pick her up from the airport.

Praise God!

Biopsy Went Well

The biopsy went very well.

Mom only had localized anesthesia, and while she felt the procedure being done (not a good thing), she did come out of it well and was hungry again!

Dr. Wentz Honored with the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences

The founder of Sanoviv and USANA, Dr. Myron Wentz, is an internationally recognized microbiologist, immunologist and pioneer in the development of human cell culture technology and infectious disease diagnoses. He holds a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology from the University of Utah. As a scientist and microbiologist, Dr. Wentz determined that if a cell is nurtured and given the best environment in which to live and grow, it will fight disease. Dr. Wentz's passion is to apply his expertise in cellular culture to help as many people as possible. In June 2007, Dr. Wentz was honored with the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences. The Albert Einstein Award, salutes leaders whose vision and commitment have contributed to the critical advancement of vital life-saving and life-enhancing technology to benefit mankind. Dr. Wentz received the award in recognition of his many scientific and charitable endeavors.

In 1974, Dr. Wentz launched Gull Laboratories, which developed groundbreaking viral diagnostic testing, including the first commercially available test for diagnosing infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. In 1992, Dr. Wentz sold his controlling interests in Gull Laboratories and founded USANA Health Sciences, a state-of-the-art manufacturer of science-based nutritional supplements of such high quality that they are listed in the prominent American Physician’s Desk Reference, as well as being rated #1 out of 500 nutritional supplements in the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, by Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc, FP. Most recently, Dr. Wentz founded the Sanoviv Medical Institute, a holistic medical facility with full hospital accreditation, located in Baja, California.

Ministry Opportunities

Dr. Perez asked mom and dad to do him a personal favor today and go talk to an an Indian couple that arrived and has just found out that the man has cancer.

Additionally, please pray for mom's nurse Belinda that she loves so much. Belinda shared with mom and dad that three of her daughters don't know the Lord and that she is really burdened with this. She asked if the group would pray for them.

Eight and a Half Hours of Sleep!

Mom slept over 8 1/2 hours last night. Dad said that she is adding back to her sleep bank. She has made more withdrawals than deposits obviously.

Mom said that she hasn't slept 8 hours in about one year!

Praise God for this.

Passport Should Arrive Today

Thanks for praying! Hopefully it will arrive today. I'll keep you posted.

Increased Walking Time

Mom is walking better, lighter and faster.

Yesterday before her Hyperthermia treatment she got up and walked all the way down the hall and back to the bathroom. Dad said that a couple of patients said, "Hey! We haven't seen you walk before. Good job!"

Pennington Gap

Mom and dad actually met somebody at Sanoviv that not only knows where Pennington Gap, VA is, but has actually been there.

No way.

Biopsy Today

I called Dad today and he was fasting and meditating in preparation for mom's biopsy procedure today. It will take place probably around mid-morning PST.

They are planning to take a biopsy so that they can have the exact cancer that is in mom's body to test which chemo combinations will work before they integrate the chemo into the complete treatment plan for when she gets back.

It will go back to Dr. McKee in America, his lab will do the testing and then Dr. McKee, Dr. Stone and Dr. Perez will make a decision together and collaborate with the doctor that mom ultimately ends up with in Atlanta (hopefully she will continue to be able to be treated at Emory after her initial second opinion that has been approved there).

Two Days in a Row of an Hour in Hyperthermia

Mom has made it twice in a row over an hour in the Hyperthermia treatment! That kills cancer cells because the cells die faster at elevated temperatures than normal cells.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Questions for Dr. Perez

Dr. Perez has asked dad to pass along a message. He would like to make himself available to me and the blog for questions! So, here's what we are going to do: I'm going to be flying to Las Vegas today, but on Wednesday or Thursday, I will do an interview with Dr. Perez on the phone. I'm going to ask him five questions and post his answers on the blog. I'd like each of you to help me with deciding which questions we should ask him. He says that we can ask him anything.

So, think about what you would like to know about him, the staff, the treatment, the future, etc. Click on the "comments" section below and leave that question or email me at with your question. We will select five and then I'll post the questions and the answers on the blog in the coming days.

Transfer Factor

It's possible that mom will begin to take Transfer factor soon. Transfer factor is an immune treatment where the patient receives oral vials with specific antibodies, cytokines and other various immunological factors that are known to destroy and identify cancer cells. In other words, she would be given antibodies that will help fight the disease. These antibodies come from animals or other humans that have shown they have immunity or the ability to kill this type of cancer that she has.


The Introduction of Dr. Stone and Integrating Chemo

Dr. Perez is having increased excitement about mom's case. Additionally, one of the most exciting things that happened yesterday is that on top of Dr. McKee (previously spelled McGee in this newspaper), a very well known consultant and expert in mom's therapy field; mom and dad have a new member of the team focused on the case, Dr. Stone. Dr. Stone is an expert in this area too and the head of an international organization of doctors. He will be lending his assistance to mom and dad and will be the lead person to find a lead doctor in Atlanta that will work with the treatment plan that this excellent team is putting together. They will be in touch with Emory.

Dr. Jonas said that Dr. Stone addresses MD's all over the world and has a lot of respect everywhere.

Dr. McKee's group is sending the test results back to Sanoviv today that were taken from mom's cancer cells. The group will conference today to make a final decision on which one of the chemo drugs that they have tested will be the best one to begin incorporating into the holistic treatment plan. Remember that this group does not think that chemo is bad, but rather that it should be a part of the total treatment of the person, not the only thing (which is the typical approach in the U.S. right now). With mom's immunity up and her health much better she will be able to withstand the toxic side effects of the chemo more positively than in the past.

Dr. Jonas

Mom spent some more time with Dr. Jonas yesterday. He's the one that reminds her of Dan.

As the staff psychologist, he meets with the patients regularly. He told mom that the kitchen staff prays for the patients on a daily basis.

Mom said that the time was a good one. And her response to the question "Do you go see him because you miss Dan?" was "Maybe."

Ondamed and Acuscope Therapy

Mom had further Ondamed therapy and increased intensity on Acuscope (higher voltage) yesterday which is further helping alleviate pain and increasing the rate of healing and circulation.

She is reporting only minute swelling in her legs and ankles. Additionally, she says that the sharp, stabbing pain in her left side that she has had for quite some time is almost completely gone. She hasn't felt that pain that was constantly (for a year) with her in almost 4 days!

Hyperthermia Record!

We have been praying that mom would make it the full hour in a hyperthermia treatment. Mom said that it is SO HARD with the pain from laying down and the heat. But, praise the Lord, she made it for an hour and one minute and got the temperature to almost 101 degrees. Getting the temperature up that high directly kills cancer cells.

Sleeping and Eating

Mom slept over six hours on Sunday night to Monday morning and then again last night! Two nights in a row and even waking up hungry. She ate all three of her meals again yesterday including salmon and "some strange stuff" according to dad.

They grow almost everything that they serve at Sanoviv.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Morning

I talked with mom this morning and she was just waking up but she sounded well. She told me that she cannot wait to get back and play with Caleb and Joshua. She said that she is getting better so that she can "enjoy them for a long time."

Because of their schedule for the day, dad and I had to have a phone conference business meeting at 630am their time. He said it was the earliest business meeting that he has had since he left the Air Force. When he was in the Air Force, he would work a 6am until 12noon shift, come home, grab me and take off.

I told him that I would love to work a 6am until 12noon shift, come home and play with the boys. But then again, I would have to wait until after the boys woke up from their naps before mommy would let me take them out.

Me: "Wait a minute, dad. How did you get mom to let you take me out at naptime?"

Dad: "You didn't take naps, Brian."

So, patrons, you can see that even at an early age I was all business and focused on productivity. I took no naps. And I didn't play around either. Many of you know that is the very reason I quit school; I hated recess.

Now, get off the internet and go buy mom a Valentine's card...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Passport Update

It looks like everything is going to work out on Monday for the passport issues. It's a long story, but I'll keep you updated next week...


It looks like mom will more than likely have surgery on Monday or Tuesday.

The surgery will focus on three things:

1. Biopsy of the cancer.
2. Removing scar tissue in mom's abdomen that is causing her pain and keeping her from standing or lying flat.
3. Pain therapy through a procedure on a nerve to keep it from flaring up.

Please pray for wisdom and direction for the medical team on this as well.

We'll Know Friday on Departure Date

Mom and dad will probably know on Friday whether or not they are coming home as scheduled, February 19th. It looks like they will run some tests this week, probably Monday or Tuesday, and then make a decision then on whether it makes since or not to leave or stay there.

Please pray for wisdom and for grace.

Gracious Giving

One of my best friends who lives in Woodstock stopped by to write a check for $1,000 to help mom and dad pay some of the medical bills that they are incurring with the alternative treatment.

Would you please stop and thank God for this gracious gift? It was a sacrificial gift. He has a nice job that pays well, but he is not wealthy. I pray that the Lord would greatly bless both the gift and the giver (and his sweet family). He is one of the most gracious givers that I have ever met and I have seen him give over and over behind the scenes in ways that people would never know about. God, please bless my friend.

The pastor of mom and dad's church, Dr. Johnny Hunt has always taught us that, "You are never more like Jesus than when you are giving." My friend was definitely like Jesus this week.

The Emory Approval

By the way, one of the things that we are doing here at the home base in Atlanta is managing mom and dad's affairs. We got a letter in the mail today with the approval to go to Emory for the second opinion from the insurance company. Believe it or not (you should, since everybody is praying), the doctor that they have assigned her to is the chief of the Gynecology Oncology staff!

Praise God. Dad is going to have Dr. Perez follow up with him on Monday and call him directly. It's great to have a world class expert as an option, isn't it?

Eating Everything

Dad said that ever since mom woke up from that port-a-cath surgery, she has been eating very well. Great appetite. He said that she actually ate everything on her plate for dinner and only left him one extra bite of her fish that he was hoping to finish off. Ha-ha.

She said that she feels so much better. And again, I think she sounds a full 10 years younger on the phone. It's really amazing.


Mom had a blood transfusion today. She is an "O" and apparently, they found another "O" donor in the country. So thank you, Lord, for the person that gave that blood. Please bless them today for their gift...

Dad said the procedure was a simple drip out of a bag. Gross, but helpful.

Let's pray that the blood truly helps her. It should come with "full immunity." And maybe a few navy seal-like white blood cells.

Losing Weight

Great news: While at Sanoviv, mom has now lost 15 lbs. of fluid and (drum roll please), dad has lost 19 lbs! On top of that, they took dad's blood pressure yesterday (this is a constant problem for him) and it was down to 123 over 75. That is an all-time low for him!

I guess diet, excercise and high quality nutrition do work. Imagine that...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Passport Update

The gentleman that is taking care of the passport problems for us in Washington DC has received a form he needed from the county of mom's birthplace and he is working on it right now. Please pray that there will be no further issues with this.

Successful Surgery

Just heard from dad and the surgery was a success. Mom actually came out of it saying that she was hungry!

Praise God.

Port Surgery, Statue of Jesus, Answers to Prayer and More Prayer Requests for Today

After further review, the doctors have decided to put a full "port" ( into mom's chest as opposed to a "sub-clavicle" port that won't last as long. She will have surgery today and it will last about 30 minutes and recovery about 2 hours. Anesthesia makes her sick, so pray that she doesn't get nauseated and that this "minor" surgery is just that.

Mom and dad went out to look at the bay there on the Pacific Ocean last night and they saw up on the hill about a 100 foot statue of Jesus that has been put up within the last three years there that they didn't know existed. They said it is a great physical reminder of the spiritual truth that the Lord is looking over them and comforting them during this time.

Mom's nausea went away yesterday after we prayed! She ate a little at lunch and then a lot at dinner. She is hungry this morning again, but has the port procedure so she can't eat!

They did an ultrasound and checked for lymph nodes and found them in her left side. They are not gone as previously had been thought, but are very swollen and non-functioning. They think that they can get them going and flowing again which will reduce the lymph fluid that has built up. They are also considering injections directly into the nodes themselves. Swelling continues to be reduced from the lymph fluid build up through other means and treatment. The ultrasound revealed that her circulation is very good in her legs which is positive.

Red blood cell counts are WAY up in her latest blood test. Praise God for that.

Dr. McGee (the consultant in the states focused on mom's case) is looking for a doctor in the Atlanta area to work with him on mom's case and is starting at Emory of course. Please pray for this, that God would open a door at Emory with a doctor that will work with Dr. McGee and Dr. Perez in continued treatment. Dr. Perez told mom and dad that it is an honor that Dr. McGee is working on this case. Mom and dad LOVE Dr. Perez and hold him in very high regard, so to hear that Dr. Perez holds Dr. McGee in that high of regard is encouraging.

The Ondamed treatment is working great on relaxing nerves and reducing pain. It also is separating her "clumped" cells. Dad wants one of those machines for himself. He said that it is really cool.

Dad wants everybody to know that mom's really fighting. She is taking 40-45 pills a day, plus six injections, and various "vile" tasting drinks that are treatment oriented. When she gets nauseated she gets down from time to time (and was yesterday), but living for her grandbabies and wanting to watch them grow up is her biggest motivation. She starts thinking about them when she feels like giving up.

She is fighting to walk more and more. She walked more yesterday than since she arrived. They have found that she has scar tissue that has built up in her abdomen that is causing her pain and the inability to stand up straight. If they do a surgical procedure it would kill three birds with one stone: 1. Remove scar tissue, 2. Get a biopsy of a cancerous spot for testing and, 3. Suppress a nerve that is causing pain. Dad said that a surgery option for these three things is 50/50 at this point. They'll decide on this very soon.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday Morning

Mom is having some problems this morning with nausea and no appetite. Please pray for her. She is scheduled for a lot of tests today.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Updates from Wednesday

Just got off the phone with mom and dad, mom was a little woozy from a pill they gave her as she came out of her hyperthermia treatment tonight. She was about to be fast asleep, but she had the intestinal fortitude to stick it out long enough to talk to Caleb and Joshua for a few minutes. For some reason, their voices give her a little extra energy. They told her all about their new trains and Joshua's potty progress. It was great.

Hyperthermia treatment: The night before last mom made it for 50 minutes and her body temperature up to 101 degrees. The target is one hour and 104 degrees perfectly, but usually anything between 30 minutes and one hour is fine and helpful.

Today she was only able to make it about 25 minutes, but it was more because of her pain from laying down flat on her back then the heat. It really hurts her when she is on her back. Her lower back and hip really hurt a lot in that position. She got a little nauseated from the pain but settled back down. Dr. Ortega and Dr. Perez came to her rescue when the pain got too bad. They are going to sedate her from now on because the heat is not causing the problem, it's the pain of laying down.

Dr. Ortega is the Internist, and he will be working with her tomorrow on some cutting edge pain management for her lower left side - the side worst affected by the lymphedema. Dad said that Dr. Ortega is quite a comedian as well. They decided that one of the things that they want to do is get mom an Infusion/Transfer of healthy white blood cells when they find a blood match. If they get more white blood cells into her system with full immunity it will help her fight the cancer significantly. Dr. Ortega told her that a liter or two of "Mexican blood will fix her right up."

Mom's veins are small and deteriorating with so many needles and I.V.'s in a short time - So they are adding a subclavicle "port" as opposed to a little more invasive aorta/artery port. The more invasive port could last for years, and this "subclavicle" will last for a month or two for them to just plug into each time without having to stick her with a needle.

Sample tissue update:

This sample tissue issue we talked about could be worked out by today. The actual specialist/oncologist Dr. McGee (back in the States) works with for this kind of testing is going to come to Sanoviv to take care of the problem so that it doesn't have to be sent across the border. Incredible. Thanks for praying.

Passport update:

I'll be in contact with people in Washington and in Lee County, Virginia today after dad worked with them yesterday. I've got a package to receive and turn around that might take care of this issue. Thanks for praying.

Mom did not rest well on Tuesday evening, but she is not "jumping and jerking" in her sleep nearly as much as she was. Also, she can lie all the way back and on her side to rest. She has not been able to do this for a long time. Additionally, she walked all the way out of the room and to a patio, about 40 steps each way back and forth. She said that the chiropractor is helping greatly. Dr. Luc (Luke)! Dad said, "Dr. Luc, that's a great name for a doctor!" He probably thinks my dad is weird, but then again, maybe he is Biblically literate and knew what dad was talking about. We will follow this story.

Mom had a "spa treatment" for the lymphedema again and combined with the Acuscope electrical treatments it is opening original pathways of blood vessels and the like, pathways for healing and getting blood and lymph fluid back and forth in her body. She has had terrible swelling in her legs, hips and midsection. Dad said that her right leg is almost completely back to normal. The lower part is and the edema is almost completely gone in the top part. Her left leg is progressing as well, there was just much more work to go on it to begin with. Praise God!

Her Nutritionist (Johnny) is working on giving her an outline for ongoing nutrition after they leave Sanoviv. Mom ate fish and refried beans today (again, this is just incredible if you knew how she wouldn't eat anything before they left! By the way, Johnny is dad's buddy there. They hit it off as he was an athlete back in the day and he and dad watched the Super Bowl together.

Dad went swimming today. He said that a Mexican olympic coach did not spot him. There is a women's basketball coach and a softball player from Vancouver there at Sanoviv.

Dad likes to comment on the food - Looks great, especially the salads and the vegetables, but the problem is that "the dressings aren't very tasty" to mom and dad so they sometimes won't use dressings and eating salad with no dressing gets blah dad said. Also, he said that he had to go "cold turkey" since the rule is no in-between meal snacks. He does like when they have fish.


Hey, I forgot about another important treatment mom is going through. It is called Hyperthermia. Research shows that cancer cells die quicker than normal cells at elevated body temperatures.

Here's some key points and info:

Key Points
  • Hyperthermia is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113°F) to damage and kill cancer cells.
  • Hyperthermia is almost always used with other forms of cancer therapy, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • Several methods of hyperthermia are currently under study, including local, regional, and whole-body hyperthermia.
  • Many clinical trials (research studies) are being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of hyperthermia. is a website where you can learn more about hyperthermia.

The Passport and the Tissue Sample

Pray: We have encountered problems with mom's passport. LONG story, but basically mom has several problems getting her passport application that is in Washington DC pushed through. It has nothing to do with process and everything to do with proper documentation. The VERY short story is that they need a proper birth certificate (not in existence), or an infant baptismal record (mom wasn't baptized when she was an infant so this is not possible), or a hospital record of her birth (she wasn't born in a hospital so this is impossible) on top of everything that they do have. Dad will be on the phone tomorrow with Washington DC (at $1 per minute!) trying to get some kind of plan of action. I will then talk to him, get the plan of action and follow up with our US Rep or US Senator for help. Otherwise, mom cannot get back in the country in a week.

If mom cannot get back in the country, she will have to stay in Mexico. If that happens, I will be changing the name of this blog from "Jane's Journey" to "The Journey of our lady of Guadalupe" since she may have to live there. Another option would be that mom and dad commit some kind of Mexican felony and get deported back to the states. They may have to do some jailtime, but at least we could all visit.

Then again, perhaps we could pray for a better option then the two above.

Getting a tissue sample of mom's cancer cells for Dr. McGee across the border to a lab he wants to send it to in America is also an issue for some reason. They took samples and are having different labs try some different things for potential treatment options. This one sample he wants to send to America cannot get pushed through. Please pray that this will happen.

Mom was sick last night with nausea. Please pray that this has passed or will pass shortly.

Thank You!

Yesterday mom and dad received a package of dvd's from Kelly, several cards, and flowers from the SHS staff. They also love their phone calls and the encouraging messages some have left. They asked me to pass along their thanks to all. Of course, their favorite messages left come from the grandkids, but I guess that is to be expected.

They also want us to thank the Lord for their nurse Belinda. She is "the best" they say. Belinda has seven kids and she said that she is thinking of taking mom and dad home with her! They told me that they have terrific nurses at Sanoviv that really care for them, but that Belinda is the leader of the group and has really taken a liking to mom and dad.

Treatment Insight

I thought I might give you guys a little further insight into some of the treatment that mom is receiving. This is for you Jane Junkies out there.

Yesterday she had a visit with the staff chiropractor and she really enjoyed this. Dad said that they found several things that were causing some problems and a direct way to treat them. He said that mom was feeling better after the adjustment. She also saw Dr. Jonas, the Psychologist that she enjoys talking with and said "reminds her of Dan." Gulp! Then again, maybe she meant that in a good way. Nevermind.

I.V.'s are a staple of mom's "diet." She gets several I.V.'s and shots per day of vital nutrients and heavy doses right into her blood stream to help fight free radicals and oxidize the cancer cells.

Mom undergoes a Vega Check which performs an assessment of the inherent metabolic rhythms of the body and corresponding regulatory processes, giving an indication of the energetic state of organs and organ groups, their function and influence.

The Vega Check measures electrical parameters of 7 segments (“derivations”) of the body, via 6 electrodes transmitting pulse currents to the feet, hands and head. A disturbance is detected by deviation of electrical parameters from the normal range for each segment. In this way, the Vega Check gives hints of acute, inflammatory, degenerative or allergic ailments, and displays graphically which organ is affected. The Vega Check also displays the clients’ over all “vitality factor”, which can be used to trace improvements during a course of therapy. The doctors use this information in prescribing the rest of her treatment.

Electro-Acuscope and Myopulse treatment then happens on a daily basis. The Electro-Acuscope and MyoPulse are highly sophisticated electronic medical instruments that use very precise amounts and frequencies of energy to diagnose and treat the nervous and muscular system.

The state of the art Acuscope and Myopulse monitor the nervous system and based on the information they gather, calculate the appropriate corrective signal and then deliver it to the selected location being treated. Each machine continues treating the area until the tissue has normalized.

The Acuscope detects abnormal nerve fiber impulses due to subtle electrical blockages and imbalances that occur either in tender points called trigger points in muscle or at specific points along acupuncture meridians. When the machine has identified a blockage, it emits a low-pitched tone and puts a digital readout on its screen. When the tissue being treated has regained its normal electrical state, the instrument emits a clear, high-pitched tone and gives a readout that remains over 100 on the screen.

These therapies help the body heal itself by stimulating not only the blood supply and oxygen to the area, but also by stimulating cellular regeneration. The cells of the human body act like tiny batteries, storing and releasing energy. As a result, the body can be thought of as an electrical organ. Each cell has a measurable electrical charge and energy flows between cells throughout the electrical circuitry of the body. When damage or trauma occurs, electrical energy is reduced and decreases the flow of energy through the tissues involved. This results in the body’s inability to repair itself.

The Acuscope introduces a healing micro-current to the tissue to assist the body in re-charging the cells to allow the natural healing power of the body. In addition, the Acuscope has been shown to cause the production of pain-reducing chemicals called "endorphins." Endorphins are released when the environment is in balance. This may be why so many people have immediate relief of pain after receiving an Acuscope treatment. Mom can testify to this.

Each successive Acuscope treatment has a cumulative healing effect that is expected to have longer and eventually permanent results. The treatment time also gets shorter and shorter as it takes less time to harmonize and energize the cells.

Ondamed technology and therapy is also being used. Ondamed is somewhat like Acuscope but uses sound waves instead of electricity.

Benefits of treatment with Ondamed Therapy:
  • Heal faster, improve blood circulation, experience less pain
  • Balance your metabolism and increase vitality
  • Restore normal functions and produce more positive moods
  • Clear mental thought process, improve sleep patterns
  • Stimulate cellular repair and regeneration, reduce edema
  • Enhance nutrient absorption into the cells of your body
  • Activate lymphatic drainage, and improve immune function
  • Release toxins and harmful effects of geopathic and electromagnetic stress
Mom has already had a reduction in her edema (which was severe) in only a few days.

Rife Therapy begins today. Rife is Plasma Bio-Resonance Therapy named after the Dr. that invented the therapy. This is really interesting.

In the 1920’s, Dr. Royal Rife invented a microscope through which he could view living microorganisms. He observed their life patterns and discovered that, among other things, some of these agents could induce cancer. He also demonstrated that cancer could be reversed. His next invention was an instrument that could produce specific frequencies emitted through a plasma tube. When organisms were exposed to the proper frequency, they were destroyed, much like a musical note breaking a glass. Dr. Rife discovered the resonant frequencies for over 50 infectious organisms. When this treatment was applied to animals, he was able to produce rapid cures in cancer and infectious illnesses.

In 1934, in conjunction with Milbank Johnson, M.D. and other physicians from the University of Southern California Medical School, Dr. Rife conducted a study on 16 terminal cancer patients. All 16 were cured, and certified by the University’s pathologist. Within a short time, Dr. Rife and everyone associated with him came under attack by the medical profession, and his discoveries were ignored and belittled. Recently, his work has been re-discovered and is available for use. It is helpful for a wide range of problems, and has been used for cancer of course.

I know a lot of that is technical stuff, but I thought that some of the Jane Junkies want more info on exactly what kind of treatment she is receiving.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


This just in...

Dad and mom's insurance is with Kaiser Permanente. She has been with a top-notch oncologist for the last five years. However, with the cancer metastasizing into her blood stream that team of doctors basically said that they were out of options and couldn't recommend any further treatment. We were all devastated at this news, but weren't willing to give up the fight that easily. Dad and mom went to their insurance company and asked for a second opinion. The insurance agency said that the only group that they could approve was the same group of doctors that mom and dad had been working with. Obviously that was unacceptable given the lack of ideas, so they asked for some flexibility. The insurance told them to select groups that they would like to go to for the second opinions and then submit those groups for approval.

After turning in and being turned down for Cancer Centers of America (Chicago) and M.D. Anderson (The University of Texas), we got a welcome surprise yesterday: Emory was approved!

Dr. Perez and dad are researching doctors at Emory. Hopefully they can find doctors that will work with them on the treatment that mom is getting at Sanoviv that is proving so effective and that can be combined with the cutting edge treatment options right here in Atlanta at Emory. Emory is world class and we consider this news to be a gift from God.

By the way, the guy from Kaiser that was working on this with them told dad, "An approval to go to Emory for something like this virtually never happens." Thanks for praying!

A Team of Doctors

Mom has a complete team of doctors working on her case everyday.

Dr. Perez, her lead doctor; Dr. McGee, the specialist (an oncologist); and the staff oncologist meet every day to discuss her treatment, responses and daily plan of attack.

Outside of those three, she also sees a staff psychologist that focuses on developing and maintaining a healthy and "fighting shape" psyche.

In addition to the three doctors focused on the oncology and the psychologist, she sees a nutritionist that works to incorporate nutrition and detoxification into the total plan of wellness. Dad said that the nutritionist often makes them drink smoothies made of wheat grass or an all green vegetable smoothy. He said he can't stand the wheat grass, but he promises to try and get the whole thing down soon. Haha! I'd love to see his face drinking that stuff. I bet he'd rather eat a divot. Mom's not complaining, but I was thinking that dad probably looks like Caleb when I try and make him drink medicine before bed.

On top of all of that, they have
Dr. Lanzagorta, Director of Medical Outreach, who teaches a class on "Having a Daily Devotional" that was an elective for the patients at the Medical Center. Dad told me that he is very clearly a believer and that his daily devotional was a 1.2.3. on having a quiet time. Dad said that he referenced Jesus, the Bible, etc. over and over and only referenced other religions sparingly, yet respectfully. He talked of it being worthless to eat right, get the proper treatments and "not be plugged into a life giving force," thus the focus on spiritual growth. He said that "a God that had the power to come to Earth, die for us and then rise again after three days, certainly has the power to give life and healing power."

Mom was scheduled for what is called a "Colonic" treatment today. I'll spare you, but suffice to say it helps clean you out and do some major detoxification. As a reward, they were giving her a manicure too! Not at the same time, of course... That would be weird. Melissa said to tell you guys that celebrities are now paying between $2,000 and $5,000 for this procedure to lose 10 lbs. "just like that." Yikes. Anyway, both of these were postponed due to some other things taking longer than usual.

She did get I.V.'s of nutrients and that continues to help her feel better day by day.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dad Walking Laps

Dad went down to the courtyard yesterday to walk some laps (they are big on exercise at Sanoviv). While he was there a lady walking asked him if he would mind taking her picture. He obliged and asked her about her story. She shared with him that when she had arrived at Sanoviv she was very ill and in a wheel chair. Now, just a short time later she was out and about walking brisk laps and felt so much better.

I'd like to see mom feel like ANY kind of exercise. I'm praying that she will feel well enough by March 1 to walk laps herself. Even if it is around the mall.

The "R" Word


What a miracle that would be! Late last night I talked to mom after she and dad met the oncologist that had reviewed her case and is working with Dr. Perez. He's sending biopsies of the cancer to another lab where he wants further testing done. He told mom and dad that he believes that he has two really good options to fight mom's type of cancer mixing drugs with her program she has started. They will choose one of those options and begin treatment Monday more than likely.

He stopped to tell them the story of one of his patients that had stage IV ovarian cancer when she entered the program that has now been in remission for eight years. He made sure that mom and dad knew that this is his goal in working with them. Let's pray for this!

Thank God for The Sanoviv Medical Institute

Mom and dad absolutely LOVE Sanoviv. I cannot tell you how encouraging it is for me to listen to them tell me how much they love the facility, staff and treatment they are receiving.

For those of you interested in taking a look at the medical facility where mom is receiving her treatment, click on the following link:

Additionally, here's the link to a short video about the process she is going through:

Please take a minute to lift up the staff and Dr. Perez (her team leader there) to the Lord. I'm praying Proverbs 2:2-6 over them, asking the Lord to grant them wisdom in dealing with mom's case.

Proverbs 2:2-6
2 Tune your ears to wisdom,
and concentrate on understanding.
3 Cry out for insight,
and ask for understanding.
4 Search for them as you would for silver;
seek them like hidden treasures.
5 Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD,
and you will gain knowledge of God.
6 For the LORD grants wisdom!
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Don't Forget to Leave Messages and Posts Yourself on this Blog

Hey everybody, don't forget that you can leave comments below my posts. Mom, dad and all of us will be able to read them as you leave them. Just click on the link below one of the posts where it says "comments."

Send them a card to the below address and they will get it to her:
Sanoviv Medical Institute
Attn: Patient Nancy Audia
2602-C Transportation Ave.
National City, CA 91950

Dad said that he would like people to send mom encouraging notes. Plus, he said that he needs everybody's address so that he can send you guys some postcards and such. If you send them something, please include your address.

Feeling Better and an Increasing Appetite

I just talked with dad and mom is definitely feeling better.

They are continuing to run tests and find solutions that will help her to feel better and gain strength. I talked with mom last night and she sounded 10 years younger over the phone. Her energy, appetite and outlook are all improving, almost by the hour.

They are now aggressively giving her fluids and shots of essential nutrients to help increase her natural abilities to fight the cancer. Dad said she had five shots this morning of things like vitamin B-12 and the like.

Last night, mom told me that she loves the place and the treatment that she is getting. She said that Dr. Perez is a "dynamo" and that he is "really going after it" for them. They feel like they are getting excellent care and attention. She also told me all about her meal yesterday that included some great salmon. She said the vegetables, nuts and berries, etc. are "pretty" and appealing to her. For those of you watching from afar, I can tell you that this is a HUGE thing as her appetite has been waning more and more in recent months to the point where she had almost stopped eating much of anything at all on a daily basis. So, for her to go on and on about food and what she is eating is great news to me.

Friday, February 1, 2008


We had an extremely encouraging phone call last night with mom and dad and they will be staying an additional two weeks to seek continual treatment for the cancer.

Mom had a great day and she sounds really good! Dr. Perez (the lead doctor) and an Internist (who focuses on internal organs and pain management as opposed to an intern that files things and runs for coffee) reviewed her case and the test results from the extensive testing done at Sanoviv. The consultation was encouraging. Mom really likes Dr. Perez a lot. The doctors took several hours to walk them through the results and even showed them slides of her blood tests magnified over 13,000 times to point out problems and issues that need to be addressed. The blood tests looked much better than the doctors expected given mom’s case, but the red blood cells are sticking together due to not enough oxygen in her blood. They began working on that problem immediately and can reverse that problem through oxygen therapy and concentrated IV solutions of vitamin C and other essential nutrients which will also fight the cancer cells themselves in some situations by causing them to oxidize. Her heart rate and blood pressure were considered to be good for the condition she is currently in.

They are meeting with the oncologist today to see if they can find solutions for fighting the cancer directly but realistically we are in acknowledged “uncharted territory.”

Sanoviv holistically treats people rather than focusing directly on one issue in a body like a disease, so right now they are really concentrating on building her immune system. As for the food being served to them to help that process along, dad says, “Not too good or bad”. Their meals consist of salads, asparagus soup, nuts and cereal (with pecan nut milk), and cutting out all salt and sugar. Yesterday, mom was being served poached eggs and greens and some good soup later in the day along with broccoli, and they were able to have a pinch of sea salt as a “treat.”

I told mom and dad about the phone calls and emails you have made to me with the words of encouragement and the prayers that are being lifted on their behalf. They/we are so thankful for you remembering them throughout the day. If you get a chance you may leave them a voicemail in room 25 at Sanoviv with an encouraging message or send them a card to the below address since they will be there for another 2.5 weeks.

• To leave them a voicemail, please call 801.954.7600
As of last night she was in room #25, but feel free to ask for the room of Nancy (mom’s first name) Audia
• Please remember they are on Pacific Standard Time (3 hours BEHIND Eastern Standard Time)
• Send them a card to the below address and they will get it to her:
Sanoviv Medical Institute
Attn: Patient Nancy Audia
2602-C Transportation Ave.
National City, CA 91950
• Or you could send letters/cards to their home address for when
they arrive back home:
118 Seth Ridge Drive
Woodstock, Georgia 30188