Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Treatment Insight

I thought I might give you guys a little further insight into some of the treatment that mom is receiving. This is for you Jane Junkies out there.

Yesterday she had a visit with the staff chiropractor and she really enjoyed this. Dad said that they found several things that were causing some problems and a direct way to treat them. He said that mom was feeling better after the adjustment. She also saw Dr. Jonas, the Psychologist that she enjoys talking with and said "reminds her of Dan." Gulp! Then again, maybe she meant that in a good way. Nevermind.

I.V.'s are a staple of mom's "diet." She gets several I.V.'s and shots per day of vital nutrients and heavy doses right into her blood stream to help fight free radicals and oxidize the cancer cells.

Mom undergoes a Vega Check which performs an assessment of the inherent metabolic rhythms of the body and corresponding regulatory processes, giving an indication of the energetic state of organs and organ groups, their function and influence.

The Vega Check measures electrical parameters of 7 segments (“derivations”) of the body, via 6 electrodes transmitting pulse currents to the feet, hands and head. A disturbance is detected by deviation of electrical parameters from the normal range for each segment. In this way, the Vega Check gives hints of acute, inflammatory, degenerative or allergic ailments, and displays graphically which organ is affected. The Vega Check also displays the clients’ over all “vitality factor”, which can be used to trace improvements during a course of therapy. The doctors use this information in prescribing the rest of her treatment.

Electro-Acuscope and Myopulse treatment then happens on a daily basis. The Electro-Acuscope and MyoPulse are highly sophisticated electronic medical instruments that use very precise amounts and frequencies of energy to diagnose and treat the nervous and muscular system.

The state of the art Acuscope and Myopulse monitor the nervous system and based on the information they gather, calculate the appropriate corrective signal and then deliver it to the selected location being treated. Each machine continues treating the area until the tissue has normalized.

The Acuscope detects abnormal nerve fiber impulses due to subtle electrical blockages and imbalances that occur either in tender points called trigger points in muscle or at specific points along acupuncture meridians. When the machine has identified a blockage, it emits a low-pitched tone and puts a digital readout on its screen. When the tissue being treated has regained its normal electrical state, the instrument emits a clear, high-pitched tone and gives a readout that remains over 100 on the screen.

These therapies help the body heal itself by stimulating not only the blood supply and oxygen to the area, but also by stimulating cellular regeneration. The cells of the human body act like tiny batteries, storing and releasing energy. As a result, the body can be thought of as an electrical organ. Each cell has a measurable electrical charge and energy flows between cells throughout the electrical circuitry of the body. When damage or trauma occurs, electrical energy is reduced and decreases the flow of energy through the tissues involved. This results in the body’s inability to repair itself.

The Acuscope introduces a healing micro-current to the tissue to assist the body in re-charging the cells to allow the natural healing power of the body. In addition, the Acuscope has been shown to cause the production of pain-reducing chemicals called "endorphins." Endorphins are released when the environment is in balance. This may be why so many people have immediate relief of pain after receiving an Acuscope treatment. Mom can testify to this.

Each successive Acuscope treatment has a cumulative healing effect that is expected to have longer and eventually permanent results. The treatment time also gets shorter and shorter as it takes less time to harmonize and energize the cells.

Ondamed technology and therapy is also being used. Ondamed is somewhat like Acuscope but uses sound waves instead of electricity.

Benefits of treatment with Ondamed Therapy:
  • Heal faster, improve blood circulation, experience less pain
  • Balance your metabolism and increase vitality
  • Restore normal functions and produce more positive moods
  • Clear mental thought process, improve sleep patterns
  • Stimulate cellular repair and regeneration, reduce edema
  • Enhance nutrient absorption into the cells of your body
  • Activate lymphatic drainage, and improve immune function
  • Release toxins and harmful effects of geopathic and electromagnetic stress
Mom has already had a reduction in her edema (which was severe) in only a few days.

Rife Therapy begins today. Rife is Plasma Bio-Resonance Therapy named after the Dr. that invented the therapy. This is really interesting.

In the 1920’s, Dr. Royal Rife invented a microscope through which he could view living microorganisms. He observed their life patterns and discovered that, among other things, some of these agents could induce cancer. He also demonstrated that cancer could be reversed. His next invention was an instrument that could produce specific frequencies emitted through a plasma tube. When organisms were exposed to the proper frequency, they were destroyed, much like a musical note breaking a glass. Dr. Rife discovered the resonant frequencies for over 50 infectious organisms. When this treatment was applied to animals, he was able to produce rapid cures in cancer and infectious illnesses.

In 1934, in conjunction with Milbank Johnson, M.D. and other physicians from the University of Southern California Medical School, Dr. Rife conducted a study on 16 terminal cancer patients. All 16 were cured, and certified by the University’s pathologist. Within a short time, Dr. Rife and everyone associated with him came under attack by the medical profession, and his discoveries were ignored and belittled. Recently, his work has been re-discovered and is available for use. It is helpful for a wide range of problems, and has been used for cancer of course.

I know a lot of that is technical stuff, but I thought that some of the Jane Junkies want more info on exactly what kind of treatment she is receiving.

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