Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Call Hospice"

Mom told me a story tonight that they had not shared with me yet.

When they were meeting with their doctors in Atlanta and the doctors shared with them that there were no other options available, mom and dad asked them what they should do. The response was "Call hospice. We'll get you the number."

I told mom that when she gets back she should march straight down there and meet with them to say, "This is the beginning, NOT the end. Do some research and send your patients to Sanoviv."

Sanoviv told her to come back in six months for another evaluation. The other doctors wouldn't even have given her six months to live.

The Lord has answered so many of our prayers in helping mom through Sanoviv. Give Him the glory for touching her.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What a HUGE testimony!!! This proves even more how strong you were, and obviously how much stronger you are today. How easy it would have been to have done what the doctors suggested, but because of the many many hours of researching you both put into this and your gigantic support that you have surrounded all around you praying for you - all of this is nothing short of a...MIRACLE! Caleb is asking if the doctors made you feel better so you could take him to "Chunkie Cheese" and the Train Store...he already has your days planned for you once you return. I love you you both!