Friday, February 29, 2008

Getting into a routine - Have we ever done that?

Getting into a routine here with food, nutritionals and medications has been a challenge since all that was laid out for us at Sanoviv. Our household has not traditionally been one that runs on a tight schedule and our refrigerator usually has way too many nonessential foods in it. Melissa would say that our lifestyle is "interesting". We have had a struggle since getting back even though Jane is much better. All Jane's systems (the ones that we take for granted each day), are so fragile that the slightest thing can upset them. Her appetite comes and goes, so when it goes, she can't take all the pills she needs, then because she hasn't eaten or taken all the pills, she hurts more and when she hurts more, she doesn't feel like eating - do you see a cycle?
Please pray that we can continue to build her up so that she can withstand the treatment that will be coming when we get all that set up.



Unknown said...

Always in our prayers, we'll be anxious to hear how the appointment goes at Emory! I can't imagine the amount of pills Jane is having to take.....bless her heart! Love Susan

Kelly Audia said...

We love you Mommy! We continue to pray that your appetite returns soon. Still looking for that magical food that you crave!
