Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Introduction of Dr. Stone and Integrating Chemo

Dr. Perez is having increased excitement about mom's case. Additionally, one of the most exciting things that happened yesterday is that on top of Dr. McKee (previously spelled McGee in this newspaper), a very well known consultant and expert in mom's therapy field; mom and dad have a new member of the team focused on the case, Dr. Stone. Dr. Stone is an expert in this area too and the head of an international organization of doctors. He will be lending his assistance to mom and dad and will be the lead person to find a lead doctor in Atlanta that will work with the treatment plan that this excellent team is putting together. They will be in touch with Emory.

Dr. Jonas said that Dr. Stone addresses MD's all over the world and has a lot of respect everywhere.

Dr. McKee's group is sending the test results back to Sanoviv today that were taken from mom's cancer cells. The group will conference today to make a final decision on which one of the chemo drugs that they have tested will be the best one to begin incorporating into the holistic treatment plan. Remember that this group does not think that chemo is bad, but rather that it should be a part of the total treatment of the person, not the only thing (which is the typical approach in the U.S. right now). With mom's immunity up and her health much better she will be able to withstand the toxic side effects of the chemo more positively than in the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to say that I'm proud of your courage Aunt Jane and that you have my deepest sympathies. Hang in there =),

Mark Doss