Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Praise God.

Yesterday, as my faith in miracles faltered, I thought Jane was going to die. I tried to say so many things to assure her of my undying love for her. I asked her to reassure me that she had accepted God as her Lord and Savior. She said she had. I just wanted to make sure one more time, even though she had told me the story of her salvation during her high school years many times. I had to make sure that we would meet again in heaven if God called her home today.

She kind of woke up and said "I'm not ready to go." I asked why. She said "We have too many things to get done." I asked her what things. She said - We have to make sure this (the cancer) doesn't happen to Susan. What else - I have to take care of Caleb. (He is our grandson. He and Jane have a very unique and special bond). Then she said we have to get Kelly taken care of. I said I think he is doing ok. She said, "Yes and he is so sweet." Then I asked what else - She said "and we have to clean the house." We weren't able to finish the list due to medical personnel surrounding us but we will. Praise God that He gave us at least one more day.

Today we are going to our home in Woodstock. That is a great thing but the day has been real tough since the doctor had to come in and be brutally honest about our slim chances of whipping this disease. That makes 5 doctors recently who have had the duty to do that. Jane and I both took this kind of hard and cried a lot for each other. First of all, we both realize that God can reach down at any time and give us another miracle if He chooses. Beyond that, we know that cancer is a horrible disease and do not need anyone to tell us that. My sweet and precious wife has been living with it for 5 1/2 years.

When either of our lives are ended, we know that we will join Jesus. But, we have had a great relationship here on earth for 39 years of marriage and a great life because of that relationship so we just don't want that to end. I thank God that He made a perfect mate for me.

Please pray that Jane's kidney function makes a rebound as that seems to be the key to several obstacles for her to recover. And thanks to all of you who have prayed for us, loved on us, helped us with meals, money and more. Thanks for those who built the ramp at our house. I can't wait to use it tonight.

God bless you,

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